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Purpose: Purpose Goodwill Rent Sale
Property Type: Property Type Apartments Trade/Businesses Warehouses Stores Allotments for warehouses Allotments for housing Ranches Industrial land Mixed land Lands for const. in height Land for housing Fincas
Beds: Beds Min. Beds Max.
Price: € Price Min. Price Max.
District: District Aveiro Beja Braga Bragança Castelo Branco Coimbra Évora Faro Guarda Ilha da Graciosa Ilha da Madeira Ilha das Flores Ilha de Porto Santo Ilha de Santa Maria Ilha de São Jorge Ilha de São Miguel Ilha do Corvo Ilha do Faial Ilha do Pico Ilha Terceira Leiria Lisboa Portalegre Porto Santarém Setúbal Viana do Castelo Vila Real Viseu
County: County
Parish: Parish
10 Properties 20 Properties 30 Properties
Newest Smaller typology Greater typology Cheapest Most expensive
Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, S. Félix da Marinha
Purpose: Rent
Price: 1 600 €
Reference: ECSFF
Location: Porto, Ramalde
Price: 2 000 €
Reference: APRT7
Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Serzedo e Perosinho
Price: 6 000 €
Reference: APSER
Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Grijó e Sermonde
Price: 3 750 €
Reference: AGR05
Location: Maia, Nogueira e Silva Escura
Price: 25 000 €
Reference: ANOG1
Location: Santa Maria da Feira, Lobão, Gião, Louredo e Guisande
Price: 1 005 €
Reference: AFEIH
Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Canelas
Reference: CAN02
Price: 9 500 €
Reference: AGR32